Unit Managers
Prof. Yüksel ŞAHİN
Department Head
Assoc. Prof. Erkan FIRINCI
Vice Head of Department
Unit Coordinators
Prof. Murat UYGUN
Bologna (ECTS/DS) Coordinator
Prof. Cem ESEN
Erasmus Coordinator
Assoc. Prof. Semiha KUNDAKCI
Farabi Coordinator
Prof. Nursabah SARIKAVAKLI
Mevlana Coordinator
Assoc. Prof. Fatih EYDURAN
Placement (Internship) Coordinator
Prof. Mihrican MUTİ
Placement (Internship) Coordinator
Prof. Nursabah SARIKAVAKLI
Placement (Internship) Coordinator
10 professors, 5 associate professors and 1 lecturer are employed in the department. The department consists of analytical chemistry, inorganic chemistry, biochemistry, physical chemistry and organic chemistry divisions.
Chemistry department is founded in 1996. First undergraduate students were accepted in 2000-2001 fall semester. The department released first graduates in 2004. Starting from 2004. The department has formal education program.
Our mission is to provide students who are equipped at undergraduate and graduate levels, embrace ethical values, are innovative, to raise students who are enterprising, questioning, constantly renewing themselves and prone to teamwork, to the development of science and technology by conducting qualified research at national and international levels to contribute.
Our vision is to offer inclusive and advanced undergraduate and graduate education; academia, industry and producing competent and knowledgeable graduates for careers in the public sector; important research in chemistry executing; nationally and internationally recognized; exchange of ideas among colleagues, independent to be a respected department that encourages thought and the highest ethical standards.
The chemistry department aims to graduate students with a basic knowledge of fundamental areas of modern chemistry.
Physical Infrastructure
Chemistry department is located in Faculty of Science. There are three analytical chemistry, one biochemistry, one physical chemistry, three inorganic chemistry, and two organic chemistry research laboratories for graduate studies.
Technical Infrastructure
The chemistry department has one classroom each with a capacity of 60 and 30 students, equipped with computers and projection equipment. It provides service with two student laboratories for 40 people.