Education System
Economics - Regular Education
Economies - Second Shift Education
Education System
4 years of education is provided under the Economics Bachelor Program.
Terms of Exchange and Transition Programs
Exchanges and transitions between programs are subject to relevant provisions of the Education and Examination Directive of Adnan Menderes University, Aydın Faculty of Economics.
Qualification Awarded
Graduates completing the program by fulfilling all the requirements aquire the title "Economics Specialist".
Specific Admission Requirements
Student admission and registration requirements to the department are subject to relevant provisions of the Education and Examination Directive of Adnan Menderes University, Aydın Faculty of Economics.
Specific Arrangements For Recognition Of Prior Learning
Recognition of the prior education of students is subject to relevant provisions of the Education and Examination Directive of Adnan Menderes University, Aydın Faculty of Economics.
Profile of The Programme
The program leading to a Bachelor’s degree in Economics combines training in technical economics with opportunities for a broad and balanced undergraduate education. The program aims to give the students a solid grounding in modern economic theory and accompanying skills necessary for independent and critical thinking which will allow them to acquire an understanding of the Turkish and the world economy. With this scope (BA) Economics Program provide a flexible curriculum which is structured to get the basic social science and quantitative toolbox necessary for all economists in the first two years, followed by a student-tailored curriculum in the last two years during which the students choose a track of study they prefer to complete under economics. For fulfilling the requirements of the Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree in Economics, a minimum of 240 ECTS credits have to be completed.
Occupational Profiles of Graduates With Examples
Students who have graduated from the economics department, will be capable to make administration and management positions in all institutions without distinguishing in public or private.
Access to Further Studies
Students graduated from Economics Bachelor Program can continue to get education in master programmes by fulfilling sufficient conditions.
Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading
There are 2 exams taken in one academic term that are a mid-term exam and a final exam respectively. Taking into account %40 of the mid-term exam and %60 of the final exam, GPA is calculated. Student, who obtains at least 60 out of 100, is assumed as successful to pass.
Graduation Requirements
Graduation requirements is subject to relevant provisions of the Education and Examination Directive of Adnan Menderes University, Aydın Faculty of Economics.