Information Package / Course Catalogue
General Information
Unit Managers
Assoc. Prof. Mustafa ASKER
Department Head
Vice Head of Department
Lec. Turgay ERAY
Vice Head of Department
Unit Coordinators
Prof. Yunus ÇERÇİ
Bologna (ECTS/DS) Coordinator
Erasmus Coordinator
Farabi Coordinator
Mevlana Coordinator
Lec. Mustafa TİMUR
Placement (Internship) Coordinator
Faculty of Engineering at Adnan Menderes University was established in 2008 and consists of the Departments of Civil, Computer, Electronics, Food, and Mechanical Engineering.
Faculty of Engineering at Adnan Menderes University was established in 2008 and consists of the Departments of Civil, Computer, Electronics, Food, and Mechanical Engineering. The Departments of Civil, Food and Mechanical Engineering started B.Sc. education and training in 2012. In addition, the Department of Mechanical Engineering started education and training facilities in two graduate programs in Turkish and English.
Educating engineers who have the talent to create the future under the light of national and international values, producing technology and science with their knowledge, making researches about the needs of the industry in cooperation with the industrialists.
Educating leader engineers who have the knowledge to serve in international level; to be a globally accepted faculty in the contemporary education field and the formation of research strategies and applications to technology.
Our objectives are to conduct research and education at an advanced level, produce publications in well-known journals, and provide consulting to the industry in engineering fields; graduate engineers and scientists who have abilities to work in teams, apply scientific and engineering principles in conducting research, design, and analysis, and report on the findings, appreciate the importance of professional and ethical responsibilities and be conscious about the environmental problems, by adhering to current ethical regulations and laws; improve infrastructure continuously for education and research; bring about total quality habit by producing accurate and reliable service.
Physical Infrastructure
In the first years of education in the Faculty of Engineering at Adnan Menderes University, Central Lecture Hall Building will be exploited.
Technical Infrastructure
In the first years of education in the Faculty of Engineering at Adnan Menderes University, Central Lecture Hall Building will be exploited.
Adnan Menderes University - Information Package / Course Catalogue