Information Package / Course Catalogue
General Information
Unit Coordinators
Lec. Sare İlknur YAVAŞOĞLU
Bologna (ECTS/DS) Coordinator
Assoc. Prof. Esin POYRAZOĞLU
Erasmus Coordinator
Res. Assist. Fatma BURSALI
Farabi Coordinator
Assoc. Prof. Tülay ÇELİK
Mevlana Coordinator
The Department of Biology has an academic staff which consists 17 professors, 3 associate professors, and 5 research assistants. Educational and research activities are carried out in 6 fields which are botany, ecology, general biology, molecular biology, hydrobiology and zoology.
The Biology Department was founded in 1996. Students started education first in 1998-1999 academic year.Our first students graduated in 2002. Our department have formal education and evening education programs.
Our mission is to raise our students as biologists who are equipped with modern, scientific information and skills in the area of biological sciences. Our goal is that our graduates should be highly competitive and qualified biologists in all fields of biology.
To become an internationally acknowledged, preferred and recognized department in biology.
The aim of the Biology Department is to educate students as competetive biologists who are aware of universal values and competitive not only at national level but also at international level.
Physical Infrastructure
The Biology Department is located in the Faculy of Arts and Sciences. The academic staff consists of 17 professors, 3 associate professors and 5 research assistants. Research areas in department shows variety. Our laboratories which are used for research and education as following: Microbiology Research Laboratory, Molecular Biology Research Laboratory, Invertebrate Animals Research Laboratory, Biochemistry Research Laboratory, Plant Tissue Culture Research Laboratory, Genetics Research Laboratory, Ecology Research Laboratory, Hydrobiology Research Laboratory, Zoology Research Laboratory, Herbarium and Zoology Museum. Our department have bilateral agreements within ERASMUS student exhange programme.
Technical Infrastructure
The Biology Department has 4 classrooms which have computers and multimedia projectors.,2 out of 4 of which are 100 person capacity, one has 80 person capacity and one has 40 person capacity. In addition, there are 3 student laboratories with technical equipments which have 40 person capacity each.
Adnan Menderes University - Information Package / Course Catalogue