Unit Managers
Prof. Emre CENGİZ
Department Head
"International trade and the Department of international business management the world grasp the realities of the market, and to be informed.
Adnan Menderes University, Faculty of business administration in the history of the Soke completion into the site.
International trade and Business contributors to scientific development in the area of staff and the application of theoretical, with infrastructure, technological developments that can track, raising national and international entrepreneur Executive cadres to serve the development of the country and the University to the business world is to the drop-down window.
Within the framework of universal values, which can give a high level of quality education, qualified students who can make scientific research and publication, by primarily preferred, at the international level as a reputable organization in the public of our country's best is recognized as part of the international trade and business management.
The purpose of the Department of international trade and business administration, two or more foreign languages, national and international markets will be able to serve as the central authority and is to train senior executive candidate.
Physical Infrastructure
8 classroom