Unit Managers
Assoc. Prof. Mustafa ASKER
Head of Division
Assoc. Prof. Mustafa ASKER
Departmental Coordinator
Res. Assist. Salih VARDİN
Departmental Coordinator
Mechanical Engineering Department conducts the graduate level education activities in three principal branches: Master's Program with Thesis (English), Master's Program without Thesis (Turkish) and Doctoral Program (English).
Mechanical Engineering Department has been active and accepting graduate candidates under the roof of Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences of Aydın Adnan Menderes University with Master's with Thesis (English), Master's without Thesis (Turkish) and Doctoral (English) Programs since 2012-13 Academic Year.
The primary mission of Department of Mechanical Engineering is to prepare students for their professional life through education, inspiration, and mentorship. Our department strives to mold the young dynamic potential minds utilizing classroom, laboratory, and project-based instruction to emerge as full fledged potential future professionals. Graduate students are served by a curriculum that is based upon the principles of mechanical engineering science, as well as forward looking and innovative context. Students are prepared for diverse and successful careers across the global engineering marketplace, and creativity and critical thinking skills are underlined through research and design experiences. It is mission to graduate master of science level mechanical engineers who are able to apply the fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering within their specialization and to graduate PhD level students with innovative and creative researches in order to develop new knowledge in the global context, and share the knowledge through publications.
Department of Mechanical Engineering’s vision is to acquire regional and national recognition as a place where the graduates are employed in their branch of interest by both industry or institutes. Becoming an attracting department among the engineering departments in Turkey that meets universal standards with outstanding education and research and heightening the image of our department in society by inspiring and mentoring qualified engineers who are innovative, immediate contributors to their profession and successful in advanced studies are consisted by our vision.
Our objectives are to conduct research and education at an advanced level, to produce publications in well-known journals and to provide consulting to the industry in engineering fields; graduate engineers and scientists who have abilities to work in teams, apply scientific and engineering principles in conducting research, design and analysis, and report on the findings, appreciate the importance of professional and ethical responsibilities and be conscious about the environmental problems, by adhering to current ethical regulations and laws; improve infrastructure continuously for education and research; bring about total quality habit by producing accurate and reliable service.
Physical Infrastructure
Graduate students admitted to Mechanical Engineering Department in Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences of Aydın Adnan Menderes University since 2012-13 Academic Year initiate their education in Aydın Menderes Central Building. The education activity takes place in the building with 8,200m² of closed area and a total of 25,000m² area comprised of laboratories, classrooms and offices.
Technical Infrastructure
Mechanical Engineering Department accommodate principal branches specific to mechanical engineering such as Energy, Construction and Manufacturing, Machine Theory and Dynamics, Mechanics and Thermodynamics for graduate students to gravitate towards. Every branch introduces their respective laboratory resources for students to consider experimental and applied studies.