Information Package / Course Catalogue
General Information
Unit Managers
Prof. Gökhan CESUR
Head of Division
Unit Coordinators
Prof. Gökhan CESUR
Mevlana Coordinator
Today, it is very important to develop education skills and reach novel technology. Therefore, bachelor degree isnot enough to get enough information about novel techniques and technology. Meaning of master and doctorate degree become more important novadays. Master and doctorate degree bring independent research ability and inclusive vision to get results. So it become a necessity for every student who think about academic area to walk through master and doctorate degree way.
Adnan Menderes University Physiology department was founded in 1993 that this year also foundation date of Adnan Menderes University Medicine Faculty. The pionner of the department is Prof.Dr. Mustafa GÜL. In 2000 Prof.Dr. Mustafa GÜL left university and Assistant Prof. Dr. Sadun TEMOÇİN became the president of department. Since 2009 Prof.Dr. Rauf Onur EK is the president of the department. Our department has master degree program with thesis and non thesis and also doctorate degree. There are one professor, two associated professor and one research assistant in the physiology department.
The main purpose to call for Master degree of Physiology is to educate new researchers with full of talent of sciene. In this educational framework, it is very important to basics of clinical events that can look at a wider perspective on a solid structural and molecular basis, and access to information, which can generate hypotheses identify the problem, which can regulate the objective test process is to train people who can evaluate and present data obtained
To design experiments independently, to get an inclusive vision that create many useful questions to look at scientific events, to create or change necessary standarts and conditions.
In the framework of this program, primarily mechanisms of cell-tissue-level system operation is prepared and presented for researchers, also it is combined with with theoretical and practical approach. The ability to access the right information and practical training, to make culture and independent research studies in the laboratory proficiency is gained. Master of Physiology degree is given to researcher who finished master degree program.
Physical Infrastructure
Physiology Department Research Laboratory (50 m2) Physiology Department Electrophysiology Laboratory (50 m2) Adnan Menderes University Central Research Laboratory (900 m2) Laboratory of Experimental Animal Breeding and Research Unit (84 m2)
Technical Infrastructure
microcentrifuge refrigerator Electronic pH meter automatic pipette Various chemical and glass materials Wonfrey Hot plate MP100 system and associated modules ((ECG, EMG, EOG, ERS) The organ bath Isometric and isotonic transducers Electrodes (in a variety of feature) Pressure transducer Temperature measuring transducers Galvanic current measuring transducers Analysis software
Adnan Menderes University - Information Package / Course Catalogue