Unit Managers
Prof. Bülent DENİZ
Head of Division
Assoc. Prof. Özgür KAMER AKSOY
Vice Head of Division
Departmental Coordinator
Unit Coordinators
Prof. Barış KARA
Mevlana Coordinator
The program covers a varitety of subjects which are linked to each other, such as landscape design/planning/management, conservation of natural and cultural resources, assessment and conservation of native vegetation cover etc., and is open to all kind of cooperation in the field of landscape architecture in both national and international contexts. The program follows the latest technological developments and uses related instruments in the field while bringing scientific, aesthetic, ethical and artistic perspectives together.
The master program of Landscape Architecture started in 2014 and still continues.
The graduate of this program is expected to be open to new research and technological developments, to cooperate in interdisciplinary work, to be able to present his studies at national and international levels, to follow both national and global developments in his field of expertise, and to respect proffesional and ethical values.
Our vision is to nationally recognized and demanded with trained individuals, to be a well-known department at national and international level with the quality of it’s education and teaching and the originality of it’s researches.
The program aims to graduate students who have scientific ethical awareness and are eager for lifelong research and learning. It also aims to develop skills and knowledge in developing new methodologies, research philosophy and holistic perspective, and interdisciplinary research in the field of expertise (sustainable, livable and aesthehically sound urban/rural planning, natural resource planning and management or landscape design).
Physical Infrastructure
The basic facilities for education, research and other activities are; 4 design studio, 1 computer room which will be used common with other departments.
Technical Infrastructure
The basic facilities for education, research and other activities are; 4 design studio, 1 computer room which will be used common with other departments.