Information Package / Course Catalogue
General Information
Unit Managers
Prof. Engin ERTAN
Head of Division
Lec. Mustafa ÇELİK
Departmental Coordinator
Unit Coordinators
Prof. Zeynel DALKILIÇ
Bologna (ECTS/DS) Coordinator
Prof. Zeynel DALKILIÇ
Erasmus Coordinator
Prof. Zeynel DALKILIÇ
Farabi Coordinator
Lec. Mustafa ÇELİK
Mevlana Coordinator
MSc and PhD programs are available in our department . The education is given in fruit science, viticulture, vegetables and ornamental plants scientific areas.
In the Department of Horticulture, MSc and PhD education has began at 1994 and 1995 education year with five faculty member. Since then, the education has been continued. In todaty, nine faculty member have been studying.
The mission of the programme under education is to increase qualify human power potantiel to contribute to its sector and science in horticultue base area.
main objective in our department is to increase the inumber of İnnavator, creataive and to be servant people
to increaese the student tahent to access informaton, to evaluate and interpreation the information. the research work will provide to students to use personel skill and profesional point of view for agricultural practicess. Thessis subjects can be fruit and grape science growing and breeding, and vegetables and ornamentals plants growing and breeding areas.
Physical Infrastructure
Eleven office rooms, two physiology laboratories, one tissue culture laboratory, grape bench grafting and callusing room and mushroom production room under the responsibility of the Department are offerred to be used by academic personnel.
Technical Infrastructure
There are three different production ares including a fruit collection orchard, and grapevine and vegetable growing fields. In additon to this, different production areas, such as fruit crop propagation, mist-propagation, ornamental crops growing greenhouses were built and covered by polyethylene materials.
Adnan Menderes University - Information Package / Course Catalogue