Unit Managers
Prof. Mustafa SANDIKÇI
Head of Division
Prof. Levent KARAGENÇ
Departmental Coordinator
Histology-Embryology Department is a main branch of Basic Veterinary Sciences having been taught the structure of the subunits forming the organism in vet education, its function and working mechanism. Organism starts education with a cell, the smallest unit in point of structure and duty. Then it explains the structures and functions of the systems that organs have formed and of which the organs formed by tissues and the tissues formed by cell. Besides, in the period of pre-hatching and prenatal of the organism, it teaches both a new living creature’s formation and development as from formation of gamets.
Master of Science program and PhD program at the department of histology-embryology was started in 2003-2004. six students have graduated from master program and one has graduated from PhD.
The mission of the program is to raise individuals equipped with the knowledge of histology-embryology and ethical values as well as to contribute to science using up to date knowledge and technology.
The vision of the program is to graduate students equipped with advanced knowledge with an ability of detailed examination/interpretation of scientific developments, conduct independent research, critically evaluate and present the data, reach to current knowledge and apply it to solve problems in the field.
To raise experts at the M.Sci. and PhD levels in the field of histology-embryology.
Physical Infrastructure
Three laboratories (cell culture lab, histology lab, microscopy lab), one meeting room, two post graduated student rooms, five scientist rooms.
Technical Infrastructure
Laminar flow, incubator withCO2, microscope (brigth field and fluorescens), stereo microscope, egg incubator, image analizing programe, rutine microscopes, vacumed etuve, paraffine dipencer, microtome, cryostate, scale, pH meter, deep freeze, liqued nitrogen tank, chemicals and equipments for histochemical and immunohistochemical methods, computers atached internet.