Unit Managers
Prof. Ilgaz AKDOĞAN
Head of Division
Assoc. Prof. Nazlı Gülriz ÇERİ
Departmental Coordinator
Unit Coordinators
Assoc. Prof. Nazlı Gülriz ÇERİ
Bologna (ECTS/DS) Coordinator
Assoc. Prof. Ayfer METİN TELLİOĞLU
Erasmus Coordinator
Assoc. Prof. Nazlı Gülriz ÇERİ
Farabi Coordinator
Assoc. Prof. Ayfer METİN TELLİOĞLU
Mevlana Coordinator
Anatomy is one of the cornerstones of medical education, which examine the human body structures, organs, systems, and the relationships between them. Our basic principle is to teach students the normal structure of the human body, provide a background for understanding the variations and anomalies.
Morphology Department of Adnan Menderes University was established in 1992. Starting from the establishment of Adnan Menderes University Faculty of Medicine till 1994, The Department of Anatomy was known as the Department of Morphology. After 1994, the Department of Morphology was restructed to form the Department of Anatomy and the Department of Histology & Embryology under the Higher Education Law (YOK). The Department of Anatomy carries out education and research studies with its three member consisting of a professors, associate proffesors and a research assistant. Besides its duties in the Faculty of Medicine, the department also provides theoretical lecture support and carries out laboratory practicals on anatomy topics at the School of Healt Sciences and the Vocational School of Healt Services. Besides their instructional responsibilities the members of the Department are working on scientific research projects. Several supported or unsopported projects which were realised in our Department, have been published in congress proceedings and medical journals. There are also projects jointly implemented with other departments and faculties.
Faculty members are as follows:
Prof. Dr. Hulki BAŞALOĞLU (Head of the department)
Associate Prof. Dr. Sacide KARAKAŞ
Assistant Prof. Dr. Nazlı ÇERİ
Assistant Prof. Dr. Ayfer TELLİOĞLU
Researc Assist. Eda Duygu Çakır
As the The Department of Anatomy;tthe primary mission of our department is keeping the current level of anatomy knowledge at utmost level as well as holding a leading position to solve problems in original and interdisciplinary contexts that require life-long learning, which as a condition for the continuation of anatomical knowledge and skills and to train individuals who are open to change and development.
The vision of the department is to be an academic unit which make critical analysis of ideas and developments in the field of anatomy and to propose innovative idea, method, design and use of applications to the field of anatomy and to hold leadership in scientific development,with the consciousness dominated by the feeling of belonging.
Anatomy master's degree has been established for defining of human body functional level of the morphological structure to student and training experts who interpret the information in connection with medical education.
Physical Infrastructure
Anatomy Laboratory
Adnan Menderes University Research and Application Center
Bone and Model Rooms
Technical Infrastructure
Antrpometry set, Skinfld, BIA 101, BİA 720, Adequate bone archieve, Several human models, Cadaver, Dissection set, Morgue unit, Cadaver Storage Pool, Computers, Printers and Scanners