Unit Managers
Prof. Ethem AKTÜRK
Head of Division
Res. Assist. Onur GENÇ
Departmental Coordinator
Physics, which forms the basis of man's effort to understand nature, covers the revealing of the laws of physics as a result of theoretical and experimental studies and the application of these laws to a wide scale from subatomic particles to galaxies. In Department of Physics where interdisciplinary studies can be carried out with many different disciplines, medical physics are made to contribute as well as design of nano-sized technological materials, production of opto-electronic materials, semiconductor device technology and the study of biological systems.
The Department of Physics contributes to the science of physics with his research studies at international level with the members 13 including professor of 5, associate professor of 4, assistant prfessor of 1 and research assistant of 3.
The Department of Physics started to provide education in the master's program in the 2006-2007 academic year and in the doctoral program in the 2011-2012 academic year.
ADU Physics Department considers its mission within the scope of academical excellence and leadership in physical sciences. In this frame, the department's mission is to accumulate the physics knowledge, developing and sharing it in a scientific community that shares common principles; agrees on its goals, is open to innovations; respects and cares for each other as well as bears social responsibility. The department has dedicated itself for lifelong learning through academical and social programs; acquirement of new knowledge through research activities; becoming a strong center of attraction in the national and international arenas with its undergraduate, masters and Ph.D. programs.
Our department should be at the center of the academic life of our university. Priority is given to the acceptance of programs aimed at giving importance not only to scientific traditions, but also to social, democratic and ethical values, sharing the common values of humanity, critical reasoning, and reinforcing the motivation and skills of its students. ADU Department of Physics aims to reflect scientific and technological developments to the society, and to raise graduate students as educated individuals equipped for life.
The objective of the master program is to educate specialists who can perform a literature search in any specific issues related to physics, plan a study, evaluate the results and work in a research and development organizations. The objective of the PhD program is also to educate researchers who can perform an independent research , plan a study, evaluate the results and present an article of implemented results.
Physical Infrastructure
Research activities are carried out in AKTÜRK research group laboratory, superconductivity laboratory, luminescence research laboratory and the cmoputational physics center with high performance .
Technical Infrastructure
There are equipped with computer networks with 4, 12, 16 (2 pcs) and 24 core processors in High performance computational physics laboratories and high temperature furnace in superconductivity research laboratory. The luminescence researc laboratory is equipped with the spectrophotometers of Perkin Elmer Lamda 25 UV-VIS and Horiba Jobin Yvon FluoroMax-4 as well as the high temperature furnace.