Unit Managers
Prof. Emetullah Yasemin BOZDAĞLIOĞLU
Department Head
Prof. Mustafa ÖZÇAĞ
Vice Head of Department
Department of Economics attached to the Aydın Faculty of Economics, has established in 2017. Our department, which provides education both in formal and evening education, started to take its first students in the 2017-2018 Fall semester and the total number of students of the department reached 408 in the 2020-2021 Fall semester.
Our department; continues its education activities with a total of 9 faculty members, including 2 Professors, 3 Associate Professors, 2 Assistant Professors and 2 research assistants. Mission of our department; to give our students the ability to understand, interpret and analyze the economic developments in our country and in the world. Accordingly, the scientific and technological developments in the field of economics are closely followed and conveyed to the students, and a perspective in harmony with universal values is presented to the students in a way that includes the social, political and cultural dimensions of the economy.
The fact that the Department of Economics addresses a wide range of occupations provides important opportunities for the graduates of our department. Our graduates have various job opportunities both within the private sector (Bank Employee, Finance Specialist, Investment Specialist, Foreign Trade Specialist, Risk Manager, Insurance Specialist, Independent Accountant and Financial Advisor, Leasing Specialist, Management and Planning in Companies, Factoring Specialist, Business Administration etc.) and in public institutions and organizations (The Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey, Capital Markets Board, Competition Authority, Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency, Ministry of Treasury and Finance, Court of Accounts etc.).
Understanding of the fundamentals of the current as well as the theoretical economy of today's world and Turkey's economy the most accurate and objective way to analyze and recommend operational policies.
The vision of the Economics Department is to educate experts who can follow the national and international developments closely, produce a creative and accurate solutions to difficult problems, and combine economic accumulation with the ability to perceive social facts correctly.
The aim of the Economics Department is to educate the experts who take economic, scientific and economic ideas in the framework of academic criteria and produce alternative ideas, who are confident with their creative, scientific equipment, who can put theory into practice in order to find a job in the market, and to take the center of social market economy approach.
Physical Infrastructure
Aydın Faculty of Economics is established on an area sized as 5560 m2 and consists of 2 floors of which the first floor of A Block and the second of C Block are used. The first floor of A Block and the second floor of C Block are assigned to the use of our faculty which are sized 3260 m2 and 1700 m2 respectively.There is one auditorium sized as 280 m2, one classroom sized as 110 m2, 6 classrooms sized as 108 m2 and finally 5 classrooms sized as 72 m2. Moreover, there exist 4 offices, which are sized as 50 m2, for the head of the departments and 6 rooms sized as 50 m2 that are assigned for the use of academicians.
Technical Infrastructure
All classrooms and the auditorium are equipped with projector, a computer and internet connection. Specifically for the use of Econometrics bachelor students, there exist two computer labs sized 125 m2 each. Moreover, the program students are allowed to use a lab, which has a 60 people capacity, of engineering faculty located in the same campus where the department of Econometrics is located as well.