Unit Coordinators
Prof. Hüseyin ÜRETEN
Bologna (ECTS/DS) Coordinator
Res. Assist. Ömer GÜNGÖRMÜŞ
Bologna (ECTS/DS) Coordinator
Assoc. Prof. Tülay YÜREKLİ
Erasmus Coordinator
Assoc. Prof. Musa GÜMÜŞ
Farabi Coordinator
Prof. Ahmet TOKSOY
Mevlana Coordinator
Study fields of the department are Ancient, Medieval, Early Modern, Modern, Republic of Turkey and General Turkish (Pre-Ottoman Period) History and Ottoman Institutions and Civilizations.
Department of History started to give education in B.A level at the beginning of 2003-2004 academic year.
Appreciating the fact that, past, especially the recent past which has a primary part in the formation of present, can only be understood by an enquiry with scientific methods and interdisciplinary perspective, schooling individuals who gained historical perspective and can critically and objectively judge events and problems. With the same method and perspective and in a frame of integrative approach, examining world history and different phases of Turkish history and also living regions of the Turks and the interaction processes with peoples that they had contact. For the sake of humanity and country contributing to the formation of public memory in the right direction. Increasing awareness about the importance of accumulation of knowledge in history for its impact and contribution to understanding of current world and policy designs and decision making processes for future. Submitting outputted findings and informations to service of society and, for this aim , conducting research and education activities.
As the probing of past determined by modern conditions and methods, updating scientific knowledge production and education with modern methods and technics; in this frame, with a interrogator and innovative understanding, being a department which intends to enhance knowledge and cultural standing of fellow citizens and bring Turkey in a position of a country which greatly contribute science and civilisation. Conducting associated projects with universities both from home and abroad, by providing necessary conditions for domestic and international cooperation. Sending students to universities abroad by benefiting from such programmes like Socrates and Erasmus. Ensuring interactive participation at courses from all levels. Encouraging interdisciplinary studies by forming interdisciplinary research groups. Increasing the importance and currency of history as a science in the considerations of people.
1. To know all research and analysis methods within the scope of history
2. To be able to do scientific work in an independent way using scientific research and investigation methods
3. To have appropriate and available potential for the cooperation with other disciplines in order to make the profession more effective
4. To have the ability to think contemporarily about protecting culture, art and natural heritage
5. To provide practical solutions to solve a problem relating to the history, to have the ability to manage this way of solution successfully.
6. To obtain consciousness to evaluate events not only socially but also individually
Physical Infrastructure
Lessons are given the classes in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
Students benefit from campus in the entire social and cultural opportunities.
Technical Infrastructure
The library and computer laboratories of the university are available for students.