Unit Coordinators
Assoc. Prof. Ali BİLGENOĞLU
Bologna (ECTS/DS) Coordinator
Lec. Barış GÜRSOY
Erasmus Coordinator
Farabi Coordinator
Prof. Murat Necip ARMAN
Mevlana Coordinator
Department of International Relations was founded and started its activities within Aydın Faculty of Economics in the 2018/2019 academic year. The Education Language of the department is English. English education language helps students comprehend and think more efficiently about world developments related to International Relations.
The department aims to educate and raise the students, who can evaluate the developments with the scientific approach, aware of the ethical values, conscious about the problems of the contemporary world and Turkey, also be able to discuss, participant, creative and democratic persons.
In the initial two years, the students take the fundamental courses of the Department of International Relations. In the third and fourth years, a program enriched with more core departmental and elective courses is implementing. Students have the opportunity to choose courses from sub-branches of the International Relations discipline such as Comparative Politics, International Law, and European Studies. In addition to these fundamental courses, improving communication and computer skills is another expected essential outcome for the program. The courses are designed to educate students about important historical, political, economic, and social issues in contemporary world politics and to develop their critical thinking skills. Furthermore, the department offers a French course as a second foreign language.
Besides its strong education and curriculum, the Department of International Relations program includes international student exchange programs such as Erasmus and Mevlana. These programs offer their students the opportunity to study in different countries and gain new experiences.
Department of International Relations includes 1 Professor, 2 Associate Professors, 3 Assistant Professors, and 1 Research Assistant. In total, the department has 7 full-time academic personnel.
Aydın Adnan Menderes University, Aydın Faculty of Economics, was established with the decision of the Council of Ministers dated 15.06.2011 and numbered 2011/2018 and started its educational activities in the 2013-2014 Academic Year by taking students to the Department of Economics and Finance. Educational activities, which started with 203 students in the 2013-2014 Academic Year, were accepted to the Department of Econometrics and Finance in the 2016-2017 Academic Year, to the Department of Economics in the 2017-2018 Academic Year and to the International Relations Department in the 2018-2019 Academic Year. It serves approximately 2000 students. The Department of Business Administration and the Department of Public Administration have been established and faculty members are being appointed yet. Between 2012 and 2015, the education and training services provided in the Çakmar Village Faculty of Agriculture building were transferred to the Central Classrooms II Building in the Central Campus in September 2015 with the aim of increasing the quality, and the construction of the detached service building was started by the Rectorate of our University. It serves with 38 academic and 8 administrative staff.
To train innovative, pluralistic, ethical and researcher individuals who will be able to understand current and historical knowledge, the discipline of International Relations; generate analytical thinking, reading, writing and research in the field of international relations using interdisciplinary knowledge; be aware of the problems of mankind and the country from the social, political and economic quality point of view; discuss the current problems of the contemporary world, obtain creative, different perspectives and methods.
Our vision is to provide basic international relations education given at universal level that is related to the social sciences in the field of political, social and economic fields; discuss contemporary world problems in both theoretical and practical fields of discipline.
The IR Department’s main objective is to provide students with the necessary tools for critical and analytical thinking and problem solving, and with knowledge and skills that would be necessary in their professional lives.
Physical Infrastructure
Aydın Faculty of Economics, located on the 2nd floor of Adnan Menderes University Central Classrooms II Building, has an area of 6960 m2. It consists of 12 classes and 2 amps. It provides education and training services with 5 lecture halls of 80 m2, 1 of 125 m2, 6 of 150 m2 and 2 of 290 m2.
Technical Infrastructure
Two multimedia classrooms, a computer lab, and a campus library