Unit Managers
Prof. Nuh KILIÇ
Head of Division
Prof. İbrahim AKIN
Departmental Coordinator
Department of surgery, gives knowledge theorically and practically (general surgery, orthopedia and travmatology, eye diseases, radiology, foot diseases) to veterinary students about surgical diseases of ruminants, equide, exotic and pet animals. There are 3 proffessors and 2 asisstant of proffessors, totally 5 teaching staff, in the department.
Surgery Department was founded in Diseases and Clinics Department in 1994 .It was attached to The Clinical Fields Department after increasing in number of departments.
Aims to educate students who are able to have all kinds of theoretical and practical knowledge and skills for the diagnosis and treatment of surgical diseases of animals, are knowledgeable about surgical diseases of public health, realize the importance of preventive medicine and life-long learning, able to follow and produce modern technological and scientific developments in the way of Atatürk's principles and revolutions.
Our main vision is to become a modern department which is fully equipped in the surgery field, provides training keeping up with the developments in science and technology, trains specialists and does scientifically and economically valuable researches.
Surgery department aims to provide practical training to the veterinary students about the diagnosis and treatment of various surgical diseases (general surgery, orthopedia and travmatology, eye diseases, radiology, foot diseases) of ruminants, equide, exotic and pet animals in the level of pratician veteriners.
Physical Infrastructure
There are 1 bovine and 1 ovine operation rooms, anesthesia machine for ovines, patient monitor, x-ray machines for bovines and ovines, orthopedic surgical operation sets, soft tissue operation sets, eye surgery operation set, ovine ultrasonografy, arthroscopy and routine equipments in the department.
Technical Infrastructure
Cerrahi Anabilim Dalı’nda 1 küçük hayvan ve 1 büyük hayvan ameliyathanesi, küçük hayvan anestezi cihazı, hasta başı monitörü, küçük ve büyük hayvan röntgen cihazları, ortopedik cerrahi operasyon seti, yumuşak doku operasyon seti, göz cerrahisi operasyon seti, küçük hayvan ultrasonografi cihazı, artroskopi seti ve rutin ekipmanlar mevcuttur.