Information Package / Course Catalogue
General Information
Unit Managers
Prof. Selim SEKKİN
Head of Division
Departmental Coordinator
Unit Coordinators
Bologna (ECTS/DS) Coordinator
Prof. Selim SEKKİN
Erasmus Coordinator
Prof. Cavit KUM
Farabi Coordinator
Pharmacology and toxicology laboratory exist in the department and there are equipments to make analysis and researches in environmental toxicology and forensic medicine. The current research have been going on pharmacokinetics of various drugs and metals, pesticides, cyanogenetic glycosides residues in feed, feedstuffs and environment as well as nitrate and nitrite.
In Istanbul, the first veterinary school was opened in 1842, therefore, the scientific education in Pharmacology and Toxicology had a start. In 1952, Main Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology was formed due to transfer to main departmental system. The history of University of Adnan Menderes Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology started with institute of faculty in 1993. First attended Head of Department and lecturer was Assoc. Prof. Ferda AKAR.
to train veterinarians who have knowledge of Animal health, preventive medicine, public health, food safety, animal husbandry and Rafah in the expert-level knowledge, who have all kinds of theoretical and practical knowledge and skills for the purpose of diagnosis and treatment of diseases in animals, , who have the environmental consciousness, who comprehend the importance of lifelong learning grasp, who are able to follow technological developments, who have scientific and modern education, who are bound to Atatürk's principles and revolutions.
To be a modern department which is Fully equipped in the field of veterinary medicine, which educates qualified physicians that can keep up with developments in science and technology, which makes researches that have scientific and economic value, which is the internationally recognized and to which being a member is seen as an honor.
The objective of Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology is providing theoretical and practical equipment to Veterinary Medicine and post-graduate students about drugs and poisons in domestic aquatic animals and poultry, environmental, public and prophylactic medicine.
Physical Infrastructure
1. Analysis Laboratory of Pharmacology and Toxicology (48 m2) 2. Chromatographic Analysis Laboratory (24 m2) 3. Chromatographic Analysis Laboratory (24 m2) 4. Comet Assay Analysis Laboratory (2 lab., 2x24 m2) 5. Academic staff’s room (5 room, 5x16 m2) 6. Graduate Students room (2 room, 2x16 m2) 7. Meeting room (16 m2)
Technical Infrastructure
Instruments in the laboratory of pharmacology and toxicology department: Spectrophotometer, high pressure liquid chromatography, gas chromatography, high-speed centrifuge, distilled water apparatus, rotavapor, rotator, pH meter, incubator, homogenizer, vortex, a heated magnetic stirrer, scales, UV cabinet, light microscopy, fluorescent microscope, refrigerator, dishwasher, washing machine, freezer.
Adnan Menderes University - Information Package / Course Catalogue