Information Package / Course Catalogue
General Information
Unit Managers
Prof. Atila YÜKSEL
Department Head
The school which was founded as affiliated to Ege University at the beginning of 1974-1975 academic years, has been the first school which was opened in its field. Our school affiliated to Dokuz Eylül University in 1982, was affiliated to Adnan Menderes University in 1992. From the beginning of 1996–1997 Academic year, it was moved from Aydin to Kuşadası and has been carrying on the activity of education in Kuşadası.
The Program aims at raising candidates of food and beverage manager who know the structure and the process of tourism industry in Turkey, who are experts on the field of tourism, who know at least one foreign language by heart and second foreign language very well, who could offer service to visitors coming from different cultures by meeting their needs.
Our vision is to maintain and improve the qualification of being a preferable department by tourism sector and the graduated students who are the candidates of food and beverage managers.
Food and Beverage Management is a program aims at raising candidates of food and beverage related personnel who know the structure and the process of tourism & travel industry in Turkey, who are experts on the field of tourism, who know at least one foreign language by heart and second foreign language very well, who could offer service to customers coming from different contries by meeting their needs, who are sociable and self-confident and who are deeply bound up with the technological values.
Physical Infrastructure
Department carry on education in the campus of tourism faculty in Kuşadası. There are 13 classrooms, 1 lecture hall, 1 canteen, 1 dining hall, 1 library and 1 auditorium as well as necessary offices for the administrative services.
Adnan Menderes University - Information Package / Course Catalogue