Information Package / Course Catalogue

Adnan Menderes University pays great attention to international relations, international collaborations and student/academic staff exchanges in this era when internationalization activities are reaching a new high. The locomotive of international education opportunities offered at Adnan Menderes University is definitely the Lifelong Learning Programme - Erasmus Programme. Adnan Menderes University has bilateral Erasmus cooperation agreements with more than 120 universities from 22 European countries and thanks to the wide-range of options provided by these agreements, the university sends nearly 150 students and academic staff to Europe and around 50 students prefer Adnan Menderes University to study as an exchange student or learn Turkish in summer every year. Adnan Menderes University also welcomes approximately 50 academic staff for mutual academic activities each year. Apart from exchange students, International degree students can study in Turkish at Adnan Menderes University.

Adnan Menderes University is taking major steps in the field of researcher exchange and information sharing by signing cooperation protocols for academic exchange with outstanding universities in Bulgaria, Ethiopia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Germany and the USA. Adnan Menderes University has also memberships to international organizations such as European University Association (EUA), Magna Charta Observatory and Euromed Permanent University Forum (EPUF) contributing to Bologna Process and the establishment of the European Higher Education Area in Europe. Adnan Menderes University also successfully took part in the Institutional Evaluation Programme of the European University Association in 2010. As of September 2012, the International Office has become a Eurodesk Contact Point, a European Information Network that provides information on European opportunities of education and youth for young people, and youth participation in European program. The International Office of Adnan Menderes University has also become a member of the EAEC (European Association of Erasmus Coordinators) in January 2013.

Adnan Menderes University has close relations with Turkish Fulbright Commission, German Academic Exchange Service DAAD, and Interuniversity Cooperation Attaché of the French Embassy and organizes meetings, seminars, workshops and presentation days with these institutions regarding education abroad, research and scholarships to provide a better future for its students and academic staff.

Adnan Menderes University International Office is showing maximum effort for its students to increase their academic experience abroad and help them develop as universal individuals. The International Office supports incoming and outgoing students and staff in accommodation, transportation, cultural differences, daily life and cultural activities. The International Office works for the increase of student and staff satisfaction offering fast and sustainable solutions to problems.

Adnan Menderes University - Information Package / Course Catalogue